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Welded Mesh Decking

Published:2023-05-24        Views:67        Back to list

metal Deck Racking System include but not liminted to: pallet racking, mezzanine, cantilever racks, flow racks, stacking racks and various industrial decks and racks. The welded wire mesh panels used allow for easy viewing of inventory and works efficiently with overhead sprinkler systems. The open wire structure meets all fire and safety regulations. Galvanized steel mesh storage racking is used for warehouse, distribution center or production area at specific needs. Help reduce material and storage costs, opitmize warehouse space.

Decking Panels for Rack Construction

Welded mesh deck is suitable for all sizes racking construction.
Material Types: Plastic coated galvanized and galvanized steel wire.
Galvanised decking makes the most popular selective wire rack parts in making of pallet racks. Mesh type pallet rack has greater structural strength than other materials, when used to load boxes or other non-palletized load onto racks.

Powder Coated Wire Decking is a fabricated wire form made from high quality heavy-duty, light weight powder coated galvanized welded mesh panels. The decking is sanitary and self-cleaning.

Flow Racking Used as Belt Conveyor
Steel wire decks of 3’ x 3’ opening welded structure, available in HDG or Vinyl black coated panels. Designed to fit the specific depth, length and load capacity of various rack system.

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